Stainless Steel Flat Bar

Stainless Steel Flat Bar is available in grades 304 and 316.

304 - good corrosion resistance; suitable for forming and welding; average machining qualities

316 - superior grade, offering excellent resistance to corrosion; also suitable for forming and welding but harder to machine than 304

Stainless Steel Flat Bar

Stainless Steel Flat Bar

For a more comprehensive table of available alloys, their properties and typical applications, please refer to our Stainless Steel page.


Standard Metric Sizes

Theoretical Weight per Metre (Kgs)

Width Thickness (mm)
(mm) 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25
12 0.288 0.480 0.576 0.768 0.960 - - - -
20 0.480 0.800 0.960 1.280 1.600 1.920 - - -
25 0.600 1.000 1.200 1.600 2.000 2.400 3.000 - -
30 0.720 1.200 1.440 1.920 2.400 2.880 3.600 4.800 6.000
40 0.960 1.600 1.920 2.560 3.200 3.840 4.800 6.400 8.000
50 1.200 2.000 2.400 3.200 4.000 4.800 6.000 8.000 10.000
65 1.560 2.600 3.120 4.160 5.200 6.240 7.800 10.400 13.000
75 1.800 3.000 3.600 4.800 6.000 7.200 9.000 12.000 15.000
100 2.400 4.000 4.800 6.400 8.000 9.600 12.000 16.000 20.000

Standard Imperial Sizes

Theoretical Weight per Metre (Kgs)

Width Thickness (Inches)
(Inches) 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/2
1/2 0.323 0.484 0.645 0.806 0.968 - - - - -
5/8 0.403 0.605 0.806 1.008 1.210 1.613 - - - -
3/4 0.484 0.726 0.968 1.210 1.452 1.935 2.419 - - -
1 0.645 0.968 1.290 1.613 1.935 2.581 3.226 3.871 - -
1 1/4 0.806 1.210 1.613 2.016 2.419 3.226 4.032 4.839 6.452 -
1 1/2 0.968 1.452 1.935 2.419 2.903 3.871 4.839 5.806 7.742 -
2 1.290 1.935 2.581 3.226 3.871 5.161 6.452 7.742 10.323 15.484
2 1/2 1.613 2.419 3.226 4.032 4.839 6.452 8.065 9.677 12.903 19.355
3 1.935 2.903 3.871 4.839 5.806 7.742 9.677 11.613 15.484 23.226
4 2.581 3.871 5.161 6.452 7.742 10.323 12.903 15.484 20.645 30.968