Aluminium & Stainless Steel Suppliers
Over 60 years of knowledge
& experience enable us to provide an efficient and professional quality service.

It’s what we stand for! And not only do we provide the highest quality, fully traceable, non-ferrous metals next day guaranteed*, but also knowledgeable customer support and a service that helps you run a more efficient business.
Get the materials you need
Just In Time with our
Call-off Facilities
With over £6million of stock, our flexible call-off facility offers bulk buying benefits without the problems. Optimise your cash flow and make better use of your facilities floor space.
Looking for
Complex Bespoke
Introducing our bespoke Aluminium extrusion service,
Supplying high quality and fully traceable products for next day delivery.
Not only did Leengate Metals have enough of the complex part I needed in stock, they even altered it to my specification and I still got it the next day, outstanding service! Thankyou.
Chris Harper
Bespoke Windows Ltd
Services that support you.
Guillotining, Sawing, Linishing, Mitre Cutting, Plate Sawing, Decoiling, Poly Coating, Deburring, Polishing, Painting, Powder Coating, Anodising.